Significantly change your dog's bad behaviour in just 4 weeks with our online courses, if not, I will personally investigate your issues and advise on solutions in real time, or via video call or your money back!

Terms and conditions
  • 1. You must have completed the COMPLETE course, not parts of the course such as a single module. In this case, the complete course refers to those labelled as such. The course will be much more valuable if all parts are completed, as the skills learned compliment one another.

  • 2. I need to see that you have made a real effort in applying the full course. If a consultation is necessary then you will need to show me how the skills provided in the course are not working with your dog.

  • 3. It is important to always be realistic with your expectations! Try to make a list of your dogs bad behaviours when starting the course, to give yourself a good reference point of how things were, and the improvements being made. Some dogs pick up on things quicker than others. Some behaviours, no matter the methods, cannot be fixed and must be managed using the methods instead (though this is minimal). It may be that we need to explore your rewarding and reinforcing techniques. 
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